In the heart of Southern California, Lasting Memories by Larissa reigns supreme, we embark on a beautiful journey of capturing the magic of motherhood through pregnancy photography and precious memories. Pregnancy is a time of profound change and anticipation. What better way to treasure these moments than through the lens of a skilled Riverside Photographer? […]

I can’t believe it’s so close to delivery time! At first I was in such disbelief and shocked regarding my pregnancy. Now that I’m in the last leg of my pregnancy I have different feelings now. I’m happy and sad at the same time. Happy to be able to meet my little one and sad […]

OMG! After my doctors appointment yesterday, it’s sinking in I’m really getting close to having a baby. I no longer am a 4 week patient. I have to report every 2 weeks. As I’ve gone through this pregnancy I have witnessed my body change and belly grow. I’m not in denial, maybe still shocked. You […]

riverside photographer, inland empire maternity photographer, its really coming